by Jon Greenberg | Jan 14, 2016 | Civic Engagement, Event, Race and Racism, Race Curriculum Controversy
For those in the Seattle area, please join us for this important panel prior to the 34th Annual MLK Day Rally and March: The Need For Increased Social Justice Teaching — And The Obstacles Such Education Faces Social justice education, such as ethnic studies courses,...
by Jon Greenberg | Oct 28, 2015 | Civic Engagement, Featured, Race and Racism, Race Curriculum Controversy
It’s finally here: the story of the Seattle Race Curriculum Controversy in print (at least 1700 words of it, anyway). I confess that Z Magazine wasn’t my first choice for publication. I haven’t read the magazine, promoted in the classic lefty...
by Jon Greenberg | Oct 12, 2015 | Event, Race and Racism, Race Curriculum Controversy
On Saturday, October 17th–at the Northwest Conference on Teaching for Social Justice–Sooz Stahl, Gerardine Carroll, and I will again be teaming up to tell the story of the Race Curriculum Controversy: Discussion: A Case Study of the Race Curriculum...
by Jon Greenberg | Sep 14, 2015 | Civic Engagement, Race Curriculum Controversy
By Gerardine Carroll, Jon Greenberg, Chelsea Palmer, and Molly Pritchard, all of whom are public school teachers and Seattle Education Association members Note: This article was written on September 14th, and the data included reflect that date. Since the...
by Jon Greenberg | May 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
I’m very grateful to be honored by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), University of Washington Chapter. Last week, they granted me the Courage in the Pursuit of Social Justice Award for “[my] courage in undoing racism in Seattle...